vrijdag 1 april 2011

Results of the user study

All the results from last week's user study are analysed and visualized into three graphs, one column charts and two pie charts. The column chart shows the differences people saw when we showed them both maps; route K and route P.

Most people saw the differences in the size of the circles and the fonts and mentioned that there was something different in the darkness or opacity of the pictures. There was also a participant who saw a difference in the background of the maps, although both backgrounds were exactly the same. Two interviewees could not find differences between the two maps.

The two pie charts represent the results on the question which route people would walk when they visit Delft. The first pie chart is from the people who only saw route K and the second one from the people who saw route P.

For both routes the majority of the interviewees choose the direction we wanted them to choose, but there were also some people who choose the other one, especially from the people who saw route K. Striking is that there were a lot of people who wanted to walk across the canals, because they thought these were streets instead of the black circle. From this we can conclude that the canals are too prominent visible and for some people more striking than the black circle.

Despite the user study is conducted in The Hague there were some people who knew Delft a little bit. Those people reasoned from their previous experiences during choosing the route. Some of them even recognized the names mentioned on the canals and wanted to walk along these canals.
Another thing we discovered during the user study was the fact that the order of routes mentioned in the question influenced some of the participants. They thought they had to walk in the mentioned order. So, when we asked them: "You are going to visit Delft for shopping and visiting museums, which way would you walk?" They asked us: "So, I'm first going to shop and then visiting museums?" and the other way around if we first mentioned visiting museums and then shopping. We did not confirmed that this was the right or wrong order, to ensure we did not influence their choice.

With all these results of the user study we made a redesign of both maps. They will be placed on the blog as soon as possible, to show you our final design!

xoxo Four Times O

1 opmerking:

  1. Hey group O,

    Nice you were able to test your designs in The Hague. As we can see you had a very interesting questions and results. (no 1 April joke) . Unfortunately some participants were known with Delft. We're looking forward to see the final movie.

    Group A
