dinsdag 22 maart 2011

Improvements assignment 2

Ok, so after the presentations of last week we needed to improve a few point before testing our concept.
We are not allowed to make indicate with use of the cirkel to direct people in the right way of walking. So we needed to adjust our cirkel thickness, remove the gradient in the cirkel and make the cirkel a smooth cirkel with no interruptions.

Old Cirkel

Improved Cirkel

To give people a little more direction we added some extra street-, square- and canalnames to the maps.

No Names

Added Names

And finally the depth of the canals in the right upper corner was not clear, these canals could use more depth.

No Depth
Added Depth
Our next update will be after our userstudy this thursday! And hopefully we will bring nice results!
Thanks for reading, feel free to let us know what you think!

xoxo Four Times O 

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi group O,

    Thanks for your feedback! Your final results look very promising. We think the difference in opacity and size of the circles are indeed a good way to force visitors in a certain direction. However make sure how the highlights can be connected with each-other using the city-map. We're looking forward to your results!

    Good luck with testing!

    Kind regards,

    Group A

  2. I think the map has become more obvious with the streetnames, however in our test we noticed that texts clearly add a direction. Perhaps you can think of a way that the text doesn't indicate too much direction (for instance by positioning them vertically).

    Bas (Group H)
